Continuing Medical Education Credits at Doximity


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An accomplished physician based in Los Angeles, Dr. Ludlow Creary earned his medical degree from Howard University in Washington, DC. Over the course of his career, Dr. Ludlow Creary has earned numerous honors and awards and was named one of the 10 most popular physicians by Doximity, the largest virtual community of medical professionals in the United States.

The Doximity community includes 70 percent of US doctors and 45 percent of registered nurses. The social media site focuses on connecting doctors, nurses, and other healthcare practitioners in an effort to make the medical sector more efficient.

In the company’s commitment to medical professionals, Doximity maintains an innovative continuing medical education (CME) program that allows medical professionals to earn CME credits simply by reading news articles on a phone or tablet. Called Doximity DocNews, the program curates medical news and journal articles for individual members and sends them to members’ phones.

Users read the material at their convenience and earn 0.5 credit units per article. A limit of 30 CME hours may be earned through the program.